COVID-19 Leadership Report

COVID-19 Leadership Report combines the perspectives of over 850 executives, managers, and frontline employees to identify the key challenges and insights.

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Download the report for insights including:

  • Only 19% of respondents believe activity will go back to normal after quarantine mandates end and that we will return to a state of social and economic normalcy.
  • Lower levels of confidence were reported among employees when they experienced greater amounts of change.
  • Since confidence levels may remain shaky as the duration of quarantine extends past expectations, leaders should focus on building trust in this turbulent time.

Navigate Your Organization Beyond Crisis

The disruption caused by COVID-19 across the global economy has been formidable. In what has felt simultaneously like the blink of an eye and an endless string of numberless days, exponential change has rewired our lives.

New challenges emerge daily for businesses of all sizes and the people who contribute to them. Kotter, in partnership with Entromy, conducted an open survey to gain insight into how organizations have responded to this crisis and to better understand what challenges still exist.

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